Explore Articles for Personal Growth and Relationships

Dive into the articles I recently have written, all designed to support your personal growth and deepen your relationships, both with others and your self.

Drawing from my professional experience, I cover topics such as communication tips, emotional resilience, self-discovery, and relationship dynamics.

Please use the search bar to find articles on specific subjects or scroll through to explore at your own pace.

If there is a topic you would like me to write about, please write to me here. I would love to hear your ideas and respond to your needs.

Therapy & Relationship Articles

Are you an addict? Even to something other than a substance?

In 2018, it was estimated that 5.4% of the global population experienced addictions to illegal drugs.
Therapy & Relationship Articles

Are you and your partner constantly arguing? Here’s how to break the negative cycle

Contrary to common belief, arguments are not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, research has shown that couples who have regular arguments are more likely to stay together.
Therapy & Relationship Articles

Are you reactive or irrational?

Here's an idea for you: Humans are by nature irrational. That's because, as complex beings, we are constantly being pushed and pulled by our many intertwining emotions. Greed, fear, jealousy, joy, lust - our behaviours and activities tend to be largely driven by such forces, with balanced thought and logic sometimes taking a back seat.
Therapy & Relationship Articles

Are you stressed and unhappy? How to feel better quick

Difficult emotions like stress, sadness and anxiety are not uncommon. An alarming study has shown that 1 in 5 European workers experience work related stress and according to The World Health Organisation, 25% of Europeans are anxious or depressed.
Therapy & Relationship Articles

As a foreigner, living in Denmark, I felt lost and alone

Communicating with Mark was easy. He is clever, competent, and knew where things were going. I always felt safe with him and could trust him completely.

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