- Personal therapy
Are you stressed and unhappy? How to feel better quick
- Mark Colclough
By Mark Colclough, Couples Therapist and Fully Qualified Psychotherapist M.A.

Difficult emotions like stress, sadness and anxiety are not uncommon. Couples therapy and psychotherapy can help you immediately.
Are you stressed and unhappy? How to feel better quick
An alarming study has shown that 1 in 5 European workers experience work related stress and according to The World Health Organisation, 25% of Europeans are anxious or depressed.
I hold the view that difficult emotions can be good for us.
They help us to learn more about our boundaries, desires, fears and motivators. But when these emotions occur regularly, they can begin to take their toll on our mental, social and physical wellbeing.

Let me ask you a question. When you experience repetitive episodes of negative emotions, are there also some repetitive themes as to their cause? For example, do you find yourself frequently panicked about your job, or in states of deep sadness about relationships? Is there a common trigger that sets you off time and time again?
If the answer is yes, I’d like to explore this with you to break the negative pattern and inevitable build-up.
Proactive steps to feel better quickly
Now, let’s imagine you handle this differently. In the case of the hurt wrist, you could take measures to ensure the environment is altered to minimise the impact on your emerging injury (buy a wrist guard, get a wrist support for your computer etc). This prevents the injury from worsening and helps you avoid disaster. In the case of your mental health, if you seek some input when symptoms are mild – such as through therapy – you can resolve the core of the issue before your mental health escalates.
For example, one step might be to book a free 15 minute conversation to have a conversation with me. This step alone is a positive way to handle tricky emotions before they get the better of you.

Can therapy help with your problem?
It could be that you have no clue what’s causing your challenging emotions. Or, you may have a very good idea and aren’t sure how to change the circumstances. Either way, we can explore it together. During our 15 minute conversation, we can discuss your feelings and experiences and decide if therapy is the best course of action for you. It’s also a chance for you to ask questions, get to know me and explore whether you’d like per-session therapy or therapy on subscription. The key is to ensure you feel better quickly, without experiencing the potential downward spiral that can occur when emotions are left undealt with.