- Programs
Bridging the Gap: Pre-Crisis Relationship Rescue
I think I am attracted to someone else
One of us just got fired – what do we do?
We each have our own children – and they are not friends with each other
Sex isn’t happening anymore – I’m feeling really lonely
This intensive program will give you both the unique opportunity to address these challenges head-on, rebuild trust, strengthen your emotional connection, and create a path forward with clear, actionable steps to heal and grow together.
Is your relationship heading towards a crisis, disaster, or even divorce? This program is designed for couples who feel their relationship is on the brink of a breakdown. Together, we will address the core issues, revamp trust, and rebuild the emotional resilience necessary to save and strengthen your relationship.What We Will Work On:
Strengthening emotional resilience and communication while addressing the root causes of relationship breakdowns. We will create a path toward healing, stability, and renewed trust.
Program Details:
This program contains five sessions of 90 minutes each. Book your first session here online, and we will do the rest together at our first session.
- Duration: 5 sessions, each 90 minutes long
- Cost: 8.500 DKK
- Focus: Trust, emotional resilience, communication
- Ideal For: Couples who are facing significant relationship challenges and need to course-correct before it’s too late.
What You Will Work On On Together
In every 90-minute session, whether conducted in person or online, we will focus on addressing the immediate, real challenges affecting your relationship. I will guide both of you through thoughtful, probing questions that encourage meaningful self-reflection and open communication. It’s important that both partners actively engage, and I will ensure each of you is heard.
Each session will include setting specific, actionable tasks and clear objectives for the next meeting, designed to tackle the issues we explore together. These tasks are intended to create real progress in strengthening your bond.
We will also schedule your next session directly in my online calendar, ensuring that your journey continues without disruption. No additional work is required between sessions – everything happens during our time together.
The most challenging part is simply showing up.
Below is an overview of the key milestones that couples have successfully worked through with me as their therapist:
Identifying the underlying causes of tension or disconnect
In this program, we will start by pinpointing the root causes of tension or disconnect in your relationship. Together, we will identify patterns and triggers that have led to the current situation. This awareness is the first step in healing and rebuilding.
I will also take you through past dynamics and behaviors that have contributed to your challenges.
With this understanding, you will be empowered to make targeted changes, breaking free from patterns that have been damaging your connection.
Building communication and emotional resilience
Here, you will focus on developing better communication strategies and emotional resilience. You will learn how to communicate your needs without escalating conflict, while also learning to manage emotional stress and setbacks.
With a focus on emotional self-regulation and clarity, you will create a more resilient relationship foundation. This will allow you to navigate future challenges with a greater sense of calm and control.
Revamping trust and emotional intimacy
This step will guide you both in rebuilding trust and emotional intimacy. You will learn how to rebuild emotional safety and vulnerability in your relationship, creating a space where both of you feel secure and valued.
Through practical exercises and direct communication, you will strengthen the emotional bonds between you.
This process will help you break down barriers and reignite the closeness you may have lost.
Developing a shared roadmap for your relationship’s rescue
Once we are here, we will work together to create a clear, actionable roadmap for your relationship’s recovery. You will both have a role in mapping out goals, setting milestones, and committing to a path that will restore balance and emotional safety.
This roadmap will serve as your guide to navigating difficult times, ensuring you both stay aligned and focused on your shared vision for a healthier future together.
The Hardest Number to Call – Made Easy for You
Booking such an intensive program can feel like the hardest step to take, but it doesn’t have to be this way.
Jeg har gjort det enkelt og ligetil for dig at få den støtte, du har brug for, når du har mest brug for det.
Mine brugervenlige kontakt- og bookingsmuligheder sikrer, at du bliver hørt, så snart du er klar. Jeg guider dig gennem hvert trin, så du kan begynde din helingsrejse med tillid.
Experiences from previous clients and couples
100% Money Back Guarantee
Din tilfredshed og tryghed er mine højeste prioriteter.
Omkring midtvejs i vores første session vil jeg tjekke ind med dig for at sikre, at du føler dig tryg og støttet i vores arbejde sammen.
Hvis du af nogen grund ikke er tilfreds med min tilgang og ikke føler, at vi gør fremskridt, tilbyder jeg en fuld refundering af din første betaling – uden spørgsmål og uden betingelser.
Det er afgørende, at du føler dig tryg og sikker i at fortsætte, og hvis vi ikke er det rette match, ønsker jeg at sikre, at du føler dig støttet i din beslutning.
Taking the Intensive Online
Online parterapi bringer den støtte, I har brug for, direkte hjem til jer og tilbyder fleksibilitet og bekvemmelighed uden at gå på kompromis med forbindelsen eller effektiviteten.
Fra komforten af jeres eget hjem kan I med min vejledning som certificeret parterapeut udforske jeres forholdsdynamik, forbedre kommunikationen og tage hånd om udfordringer.
Virtuelle sessioner er lige så personlige og effektive og tilbyder redskaber og strategier, der er tilpasset dine unikke behov.
Uanset hvor I befinder jer, gør online terapi det nemmere at prioritere jeres forhold.
The Intensive In Copenhagen K
Midt i hjertet af København K, kun 300 meter fra Nørreport Station og 300 meter fra Kongens Nytorv Metrostation.
Min klinik ligger centralt i København K, i det, der kaldes "Indre By"
The Intensive In Svendborg
Vores sessioner finder sted på den smukke ø Thurø – kun 50 meter fra havet og en 300 år gammel skov.
Fra sofaen er der en fantastisk udsigt, og om vinteren vil brændeovnen knitre hyggeligt.
Background And Education
Jeg er Mark Colclough, en britiskfødt psykoterapeut, der tilbyder engelsksproget terapi i Danmark. Min uddannelsesrejse inkluderer et solidt fundament inden for psykologi og rådgivning samt avanceret træning i evidensbaserede terapeutiske metoder for både individer og par.
Gennem årene har jeg arbejdet med klienter fra mange forskellige nationaliteter, hvilket har givet mig indsigt i de komplekse måder, kultur, identitet og livsovergange påvirker vores relationer på.
By integrating methods from 20 years of University training and supervised experience, and by using research-backed techniques, I tailor my approach to each couple’s unique needs and goals.
Min forpligtelse til løbende professionel udvikling sikrer, at jeg altid er opdateret med de nyeste resultater inden for psykologisk forskning. Dette gør mig i stand til at tilbyde medfølende og velinformeret støtte til par, der søger meningsfuld forandring.
How To Pay For Our Intensive?
I strive to make the payment process as convenient as possible. Sessions can be paid for using cash, credit card, MobilePay, or bank transfer.
Before your first appointment, I will provide all the necessary details, ensuring a smooth and straightforward experience.
If you have any questions or concerns about payment, feel free to contact me.
Fortrolighed and General Guidelines
Din fortrolighed og tryghed er afgørende for vores terapeutiske arbejde sammen. Alt, hvad der drøftes i vores sessioner, behandles med streng fortrolighed i overensstemmelse med professionelle etiske standarder og juridiske krav.
Eventuelle undtagelser fra fortrolighed – såsom risiko for alvorlig skade på dig selv eller andre – vil blive forklaret tydeligt. Jeg opfordrer til åben kommunikation om eventuelle bekymringer, spørgsmål eller tvivl, du måtte have under terapiforløbet.
Mit mål er at skabe et trygt og respektfuldt miljø, hvor du frit kan udforske dine tanker og følelser.
How Long Is An Intensive Session?
Each session typically lasts about 1 hour and 50 minutes.
Inden vi begynder, vil vi afklare sessionens format og tidsramme for at sikre en struktur, der støtter din tryghed og fremgang.
I strongly advise that you clear your calendar for any engagements after the sessions. You will be quite exhausted, and will need time to process.
What About Cancellations?
Life can be unpredictable, and I understand that plans change. If you need to cancel or reschedule a session, please let me know as soon as possible—ideally at least 72 hours in advance.
Aftaler, der aflyses med kortere varsel, kan pålægges et afbudsgebyr, da tiden er reserveret specifikt til dig.
Jeg er glad for at drøfte eventuelle bekymringer omkring tidsplanlægning, så vi kan finde en løsning, der respekterer både dine behov og min tilgængelighed.
Can We Get Our Money Back?
Payment for these intensives is typically non-refundable once the first session has taken place.
If you have concerns about your experience, I encourage you to discuss them with me so we can address any issues and find a way forward.
Refunds may be considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on the circumstances and the agreements made in advance.
Hvis du har spørgsmål om gebyrer, refunderinger eller andre økonomiske forhold, er du altid velkommen til at kontakte mig, så vi kan afklare detaljerne.
Har du allerede et spørgsmål?
Brug denne formular, og jeg vender tilbage til dig så hurtigt som muligt.